For the past two decades, we have consistently updated you on the direction our civilization was taking, predicting, in great accuracy, most of what the world is now experiencing. We have also relentlessly, albeit softly, encouraged you to take various steps to weather what’s coming better than the average sheep.
We are at a point where you probably now understand that the world as we knew it is ending. If you still don’t, you are probably a lost cause, and should simply embrace you just belong among the herd of sheep, and come to terms that you have no control over your destiny and will accept whatever is thrown your way.
If you understand how bad the situation is, and that your survival is at stake, you probably now want more advice and resources to prepare yourself to survive.
Ultimately, it will be the survival of the fittest, at many different levels, including a great deal of adaptability. The fittest, from an evolutionary perspective, being the warriors.
This is what this road map is all about. We will try to guide you through the different steps required so you and your tribe/family, including your offsprings, can survive the worst civilization collapse and enslavement in human history, threatening even the very survival of our species.