The conflict in Ukraine revolves primarily around three schools of thought:
Those who support Ukraine and embrace Nazism
Those who support Russia and embrace Communism
And the useless idiots in the west, your average American and Canadian, who is absolutely useless, thoughtless, and just goes along the latest thing.
It is important indeed to note that we, in this organization, both reject fascism and communism, and we have elected to remain neutral in a Ukrainian war that isn’t ours, while still being sufficiently objective to realize Russia is in its own right, is so far following the rules of war, while Ukraine is engaging in horrendous war crimes.
While we also recognize Russia was instrumental in fighting off Hitler in Europe, we still do not embrace Communism. As we have said time and time again, and as per Margaret Tatcher, faicism and communism are two faces of the same coin.
Most people with an actual stake in the conflict, however, are not as nuanced. The ones supporting Zelenski actually embrace Nazism that is an integral part of Ukraine’s culture and history. And those on the Russian side, tend to romanticize communism (even though Russia is no longer the USSR), going as far as referring to Staline as a great man.