There is fake bigotry, as claimed by the left for merely refusing to cut off our nuts or for being repulsed at the mere idea of nutting anywhere near a transgender freak or a fag for that matter. There is also real bigotry as demonstrated by your average Christian (or Jew or Muslim), fixated on missionary sex for the sole purpose of procreation within a marriage and who simply cannot cope with the idea of another dude using his dick as he pleases.
The real bigotry, the Abrahamic kind, has caused our people and culture a lot of grief over the last two millennia. From filthy morons intent on Christianizing Scandinavia, to undickable Isabella of Spain trying to exterminate all Úlfhéðnar. While the intolerance of the Church and other desert religions had been kept at bay in recent times, and is coming back, with a vengeance.